It was way back in 2002,we were in 6-7th class. At that time, me with my family lived in quarters...there were some 22 houses in the quarters....5-7pm was the study time7pm to 8.30pm was the standard accepted time alloted by the parents of most of my friends including mine...we were some 8 odd friends of same age group and were from 6-7th class...beside the quarters area..there was an independent house of a poor family...with whom ppl generally talkd less . as there were talks that the some of the family members were small time stealers/ was during winters and at that time the present trendy game was gilli-danda...( we used to have seasons for sports apart from cricket..!)we some 3 friends were playing gilli danda and other 2 were just watching us...they too joined later...the game drifted towards acute tension and there was curiosity in all of along with nikky(boy) were the lst to remain in the game...
the time was 8.15pm...though nikky was my best friend we always were VERY competitive in the game...the other 4 friends were just watching...the place where we were playing was located infront of our quarters,below a tree and beside a mercury street lamp...maheshs(name changed) dad out fom hsi house and began to acall out for time was 8.30pm...our time to go...though usually we resisted to go...this time were damn sure that we will not go till the game our surprise our parents were a little free today as there was some fwstival in the coming days...and i forgot to mention that our quarters had 2 roads connected from main road...the shorter one was partially closed as some govt,office was a new long distance was constructed...many ppl who didnt used vehicles used the short road...and the vehicles used the longer one...the place where we were playing was far from the shorter road..whch means only vehicles and very few other ppl used it at night....

the time was now 9.20pm...the last shot was yet to come...those who knows the game mayhav known that after chipping the danda...we should approximately name the count...and if the count we name is correct after measuring from the hole..tyen so many points otherwise the game shifts to ur oppenent...there were last 2 for each of us...he chipped and got 90 points...we friends were really in peak of our tension...and then i chipped............the danda went a little to the darker side of the road...the count was named and obviously there started a small rift...and then it ALL started...
as our discussion were going on...we saw a group of children entering that indepent house...we called it as muthu's he lived in it... a little younger than may have been a minute...the children were clad in a peculiar 1940's attire dress style..they had nehru jubba with topi.... AND THE HAT SAME AS NEHRU WORN....SUDDENLY the children started running away from the house(the long edge of the road) and my friends were in a circle and were in a discussion...facing our BACK TOWARDS ROAD...when they was of average soon they crossed our back...AND LO...IT WAS LIKE A FLASH OF WIND...and we couldnt figure out what happend...our discussion was friend gautam just causually joked that...see they are invisible what fast they ran...!and then me and nikky took it seriously and just went towards the long road...then we were SHOCKED...THE ROAD WAS EMPTY....
and we were dumbstruck...WHAT THE HELL HAS HAPPENED..??we just didnt talk for some minutes...and then we straight away went to muthus house...and we asked...who were those '7' children...his answer literally made us run towards quarters...he said "NO ONE HAD ENTERED HIS HOME"AND WHY THE HELL THE CHILDREN WOULD COME TO MY HOME AT 9.40PM..?!!we went towards quarters and told verything to our parents and aunties...there were many different kind of opinions...some said it was definitely some black magic and other said they were the ghosts of the the children of freedom fighters and some others said that it was "MASS HYPNOTISM"and we..?, we just prayed to god...