I hope that it was approximately before 10 years.... I was just 9 yrs old... Almost at evening time... Just before the sunset... A phone call came to ma house... I received the call... My uncle was speaking on the other side... He asked me to give the receiver to my mom... Then, my mom attended the call... Suddenly her face was changed on hearing some news... Yes... Its really a shocking news!!! My grandfather was died unexpectedly!!!!
I along with ma family rushed to my grandfather's home... Later, we learnt that he had died because of unexpected heart attack... We and our cousins were really shocked of his death... But, that shock didnt last even three days... Everything just changed...
Yes... After three days... All the sorrows were almost vanished from our mind... Now... Everyone in the house were happy (except my mom and grandma) as most of our cousins were gathered in grandpa's house...
Actually, according to HINDU traditions... Some customs should be done for sixteen days to the person, who was dead... So, we along with the family planned to stay in our grandpa's house for those sixteen days... And, some cousins also planned to stay in our grandpa's house... It was quite a small house (of just 6 rooms)... But, we managed...
So, oneday night @ about 9pm, my nephew (just 7yrs old) told my aunt, "Mom!!! I want to pee!!! So, give company to me..." ... I laughed at him, " He... He... So, you wont go alone in the dark... eh?"... Actually, he was afraid of the dark... So, he regularly asks aunt to come along with him... Similarly, that day also... He called her... But, my aunt was busy in her works (cooking).... So, my aunt asked me to give company to him... I also went along with him... Then...
Over there.... ( actually, we usually have silly competitions such as "Who is eating first"... like that...)... So, that day also we had a silly competition... "Who is urinating more amount of liquid?"... (sorry to mention these things in the thread...)So, without others knowledge... We took two vessels from the kitchen... And, we started the competition... While, we are urinating... We heard a noise, "See !!! What mischievous these kids are doing?" servant shouted in loud voice towards my aunt... Hearing that, my nephew flew away like a JET... Since, my aunt may punish him...
But, to my misfortune... My mom had caught me and blowed me on my back... Due to pain, I started crying, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!".... My mom shouted," Stop it!!!"... I screamed again more in a loud voice," Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!".... My mom again shouted, "Stop crying!!!"... But, no use... So, my mom left away and started to look after her work... I also sumwat tired by crying... So, I stopped crying...
Then, that night 11pm... All of them went to bed... So, my aunt was good in saying HORROR STORIES.... So, I & my nephew went over my aunt's bed and asked her to say stories... So, she started saying a story... Actually, I'd already known that story... But still I and my nephew listened to her story... She also finished that story... Then, we asked for another story... That time... My uncle came," Hey kids!!!! come on!!! I had an interesting and horror story, which was really happened to me before several years..."... Hearing that, we jumped in joy... In joy, I jumped over to my uncle's bed like a monkey... Seeing that, my nephew too jumped over to that bed... But... Lol... He jumped over my uncle's belly... My uncle shouted," Huppppppp!!! Hey... Are you born to a monkey? why are you jumping like this?"... Hearing that, an old man(cousin) laughed, " If he(nephew) was born to a monkey... who is that MONKEY?"... My uncle too smiled... forgetting his pain... Then, my uncle started narrating his own experience....
The story is as follows:-
Actually, my uncle owned a shop, "SREEKUMAR SOUNDS"... He used to do decorations for parties, festivals, marriage functions... He too rent loudspeakers for And, he had assigned six labours for that work...
And, once he got a task (decorate) in Irachakulam(a village)... So, he had to go to Irachakulam (continuously for 3days...)
/* Irachakulam is a small village in Kanyakumari district... */
Actually, he owned an old AMBASSADOR car... Kids used to criticize that car as KUSU VANDI('FART VEHICLE')... (lol... due to the noise made, since it was old...)
So, he along with his workers travelled to Irachakulam for decoration purposes...
So, he along with his workers travelled to Irachakulam for decoration purposes... That was evening 6pm, almost dark... They actually had to take a turn in the main road... After that turn, they had to travel across a road (which was very quite) to reach the destination place.... While travelling, my uncle found that place so strange (since, the place was very quiet and no pedastrians or any vehicles were across the road)... He didnt notice any house over that place... Shortly, it can be said as INHABITED place...
So, finally he reached the destination... So, inorder to control his sleep, he used to chat with his co-workers... So, they continued their work by chatting with each other...
During their conversation one of the co-worker interrupted my uncle and said, "Are you much aware about this place"...
During their conversation one of the co-worker interrupted my uncle and said, "Are you much aware about this place"...
My uncle just replied,"No!!! Whats special over this place..."...
Co-worker: Do u know that this place is not safe to travel during night? This place is haunted...
Uncle (denying the fact): Oh... Still, you guys are believing these stories... Our Kanyakumari district is a developed area with lot of literates... But, still you are talking about these supernatural stories...
Other co-workers too joined the conversation...
Co-worker2: No... BOSS!!! You should believe the fact... You, better ask the people over this place... Hey, there r some stories that if we used to travel alone in a two-wheeler or four wheeler... We can see a man sitting behind us...
Uncle: (remained silently... he was somewhat shocked bcos he had to travel over that place on that day... )
But, their work was so much delayed due to unnecessary conversations... Lol... They used to chat everything about politics, other family stories except useful things...
After he had finished all the decoration works... He prepared to leave that place @ about 1am (early morning)... Since, his co-worker's hometown was Irachakulam, my uncle alone went in his ambassador car...
On the way... He heard some howling sound of dogs and strange noises... But, actually my uncle is a courageous man... So, he didnt take it as a serious one... Then... He saw an old man, wearing white dress... But, he is something fishy about it... Because, he didnt see a single person in the evening time... But, he feels strange to see an old man walking in the night time... And, that old man asks lift to him... But, my uncle didnt stop the car, (since in our hometown... Thieves used to ask lift during night and used to push the owner from the vehicle and he used to steal that vehicle... It is a common practice followed by thieves in Kanyakumari)...
And, after crossing the old man, he just saw him through the rear mirror, he was surprised!!! Yeah... That old man was not seen behind at the road... Some fear had strucked my uncle...
And, after few seconds... To his horror... Again, he saw that old man walking by the side of the road... He was not sure... Actually, its not possible for a man to overtake ma uncle's vehicle by walking... But, that old man's back resembles the same old man he had seen before few seconds (same shirt colour too)... So, he somewhat confirmed himselves that he had seen the same old man... But, this time... old man didnt ask any lift... Again, after crossing the old man... He tried to saw him thorough the rear mirror...
Again, to his horror, that man was not found behind at the road...
He was almost frozen!!!
Then, his car was stopped unexpectedly on the road...
Then, his car was stopped unexpectedly on the road... (since it was an old ambassador car)... He tried to start it (again and again)... But, no use...
The story and the incidents narrated by the co-worker was repeating in his ears... At that time, he really felt sorry to denying their facts...
And, now... He was frightened to look whats the problem in the car... Somehow... He came out.. And, he tried to look out the problem... Since, it was so dark... He cant point out, "Whats wrong in the car. . !"... So, he was now in a dilemma, whether to check out the fault in the car (or) to walk alone over that inhabited place...
Actually, he felt that he would be safe, if he reached the main road... But, somehow he was frightened to walk towards that main road , since he thought, "What to do... if he encountered the old man again"... He was sure that if he face him again... He would die of HEART- ATTACK... Almost, he had to walk for about 15 mins to reach the main toad...
Finally, he somehow decided to walk very fast towards the main road... But, his each and every second was like an hour... He just closed his eyes and started walking..
Sometimes... He used to open his eyes lightly to check whether that old man is there... His legs are shivering so that he cant walk so fast...
And, now... He heard a sound... Yeah. . ! Its the sound of a two-wheeler vehicle coming from a long distance... Since, that place was so quiet... He can sense the sound of that vehicle which is coming from a distance...
Now, his heart felt happy to know that he is not alone over that place... Now, after few seconds, he could see the vehicle... Now, He planned to ask lift...
But... Somehow he was sad bcos if that man suspects him as a thief, he would not help him...
But, he decided to ask lift and he felt that, its that man's wish to decide whether to give lift...
My uncle put his hand towards that vehicle... He too stopped... My uncle cant ever speak a single word to that person. . ! But, still reaching the man road, he was shivering...
After reaching the MAIN ROAD... He felt as he was escaped from a HELL and reached the HEAVEN. . !
After reaching his place..! He thanked that man a lot and finally reached the home. . !
Then, he decided not to travel over that place on overnight. . ! Next day, he narrated all his incidents to his co-workers. . !
After that incident, He became a GHOST- BELIEVER. . !"
Finally, my uncle stopped his narration... All of the other people (my couins) also heard his narration. . !
And, a old man(my cousin) also said, "Yeah. . ! That place is still a dangerous one to travel on overnight. ." Then, I asked him to narrate any other story. . !
My mom interrupted, "Its already late night... Lets all sleep. . !"...
We also said, " Gud ni8...
" to each other and had a gud sleep with nice dreamzzz...
*************************THE END***********************************
I along with ma family rushed to my grandfather's home... Later, we learnt that he had died because of unexpected heart attack... We and our cousins were really shocked of his death... But, that shock didnt last even three days... Everything just changed...
Yes... After three days... All the sorrows were almost vanished from our mind... Now... Everyone in the house were happy (except my mom and grandma) as most of our cousins were gathered in grandpa's house...
Actually, according to HINDU traditions... Some customs should be done for sixteen days to the person, who was dead... So, we along with the family planned to stay in our grandpa's house for those sixteen days... And, some cousins also planned to stay in our grandpa's house... It was quite a small house (of just 6 rooms)... But, we managed...
So, oneday night @ about 9pm, my nephew (just 7yrs old) told my aunt, "Mom!!! I want to pee!!! So, give company to me..." ... I laughed at him, " He... He... So, you wont go alone in the dark... eh?"... Actually, he was afraid of the dark... So, he regularly asks aunt to come along with him... Similarly, that day also... He called her... But, my aunt was busy in her works (cooking).... So, my aunt asked me to give company to him... I also went along with him... Then...
Over there.... ( actually, we usually have silly competitions such as "Who is eating first"... like that...)... So, that day also we had a silly competition... "Who is urinating more amount of liquid?"... (sorry to mention these things in the thread...)So, without others knowledge... We took two vessels from the kitchen... And, we started the competition... While, we are urinating... We heard a noise, "See !!! What mischievous these kids are doing?" servant shouted in loud voice towards my aunt... Hearing that, my nephew flew away like a JET... Since, my aunt may punish him...
But, to my misfortune... My mom had caught me and blowed me on my back... Due to pain, I started crying, "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!
Then, that night 11pm... All of them went to bed... So, my aunt was good in saying HORROR STORIES.... So, I & my nephew went over my aunt's bed and asked her to say stories... So, she started saying a story... Actually, I'd already known that story... But still I and my nephew listened to her story... She also finished that story... Then, we asked for another story... That time... My uncle came," Hey kids!!!! come on!!! I had an interesting and horror story, which was really happened to me before several years..."... Hearing that, we jumped in joy... In joy, I jumped over to my uncle's bed like a monkey... Seeing that, my nephew too jumped over to that bed... But... Lol... He jumped over my uncle's belly... My uncle shouted," Huppppppp!!! Hey... Are you born to a monkey? why are you jumping like this?"... Hearing that, an old man(cousin) laughed, " If he(nephew) was born to a monkey... who is that MONKEY?"... My uncle too smiled... forgetting his pain... Then, my uncle started narrating his own experience....
The story is as follows:-
Actually, my uncle owned a shop, "SREEKUMAR SOUNDS"... He used to do decorations for parties, festivals, marriage functions... He too rent loudspeakers for And, he had assigned six labours for that work...
And, once he got a task (decorate) in Irachakulam(a village)... So, he had to go to Irachakulam (continuously for 3days...)
/* Irachakulam is a small village in Kanyakumari district... */
Actually, he owned an old AMBASSADOR car... Kids used to criticize that car as KUSU VANDI('FART VEHICLE')... (lol... due to the noise made, since it was old...)
So, he along with his workers travelled to Irachakulam for decoration purposes...
So, he along with his workers travelled to Irachakulam for decoration purposes... That was evening 6pm, almost dark... They actually had to take a turn in the main road... After that turn, they had to travel across a road (which was very quite) to reach the destination place.... While travelling, my uncle found that place so strange (since, the place was very quiet and no pedastrians or any vehicles were across the road)... He didnt notice any house over that place... Shortly, it can be said as INHABITED place...
So, finally he reached the destination... So, inorder to control his sleep, he used to chat with his co-workers... So, they continued their work by chatting with each other...
During their conversation one of the co-worker interrupted my uncle and said, "Are you much aware about this place"...
During their conversation one of the co-worker interrupted my uncle and said, "Are you much aware about this place"...
My uncle just replied,"No!!! Whats special over this place..."...
Co-worker: Do u know that this place is not safe to travel during night? This place is haunted...
Uncle (denying the fact): Oh... Still, you guys are believing these stories... Our Kanyakumari district is a developed area with lot of literates... But, still you are talking about these supernatural stories...
Other co-workers too joined the conversation...
Co-worker2: No... BOSS!!! You should believe the fact... You, better ask the people over this place... Hey, there r some stories that if we used to travel alone in a two-wheeler or four wheeler... We can see a man sitting behind us...
Uncle: (remained silently... he was somewhat shocked bcos he had to travel over that place on that day... )
But, their work was so much delayed due to unnecessary conversations... Lol... They used to chat everything about politics, other family stories except useful things...
After he had finished all the decoration works... He prepared to leave that place @ about 1am (early morning)... Since, his co-worker's hometown was Irachakulam, my uncle alone went in his ambassador car...
On the way... He heard some howling sound of dogs and strange noises... But, actually my uncle is a courageous man... So, he didnt take it as a serious one... Then... He saw an old man, wearing white dress... But, he is something fishy about it... Because, he didnt see a single person in the evening time... But, he feels strange to see an old man walking in the night time... And, that old man asks lift to him... But, my uncle didnt stop the car, (since in our hometown... Thieves used to ask lift during night and used to push the owner from the vehicle and he used to steal that vehicle... It is a common practice followed by thieves in Kanyakumari)...
And, after crossing the old man, he just saw him through the rear mirror, he was surprised!!! Yeah... That old man was not seen behind at the road... Some fear had strucked my uncle...
And, after few seconds... To his horror... Again, he saw that old man walking by the side of the road... He was not sure... Actually, its not possible for a man to overtake ma uncle's vehicle by walking... But, that old man's back resembles the same old man he had seen before few seconds (same shirt colour too)... So, he somewhat confirmed himselves that he had seen the same old man... But, this time... old man didnt ask any lift... Again, after crossing the old man... He tried to saw him thorough the rear mirror...
Again, to his horror, that man was not found behind at the road...
He was almost frozen!!!
Then, his car was stopped unexpectedly on the road...
Then, his car was stopped unexpectedly on the road... (since it was an old ambassador car)... He tried to start it (again and again)... But, no use...
The story and the incidents narrated by the co-worker was repeating in his ears... At that time, he really felt sorry to denying their facts...
And, now... He was frightened to look whats the problem in the car... Somehow... He came out.. And, he tried to look out the problem... Since, it was so dark... He cant point out, "Whats wrong in the car. . !"... So, he was now in a dilemma, whether to check out the fault in the car (or) to walk alone over that inhabited place...
Actually, he felt that he would be safe, if he reached the main road... But, somehow he was frightened to walk towards that main road , since he thought, "What to do... if he encountered the old man again"... He was sure that if he face him again... He would die of HEART- ATTACK... Almost, he had to walk for about 15 mins to reach the main toad...
Finally, he somehow decided to walk very fast towards the main road... But, his each and every second was like an hour... He just closed his eyes and started walking..
Sometimes... He used to open his eyes lightly to check whether that old man is there... His legs are shivering so that he cant walk so fast...
And, now... He heard a sound... Yeah. . ! Its the sound of a two-wheeler vehicle coming from a long distance... Since, that place was so quiet... He can sense the sound of that vehicle which is coming from a distance...
Now, his heart felt happy to know that he is not alone over that place... Now, after few seconds, he could see the vehicle... Now, He planned to ask lift...
But... Somehow he was sad bcos if that man suspects him as a thief, he would not help him...
But, he decided to ask lift and he felt that, its that man's wish to decide whether to give lift...
My uncle put his hand towards that vehicle... He too stopped... My uncle cant ever speak a single word to that person. . ! But, still reaching the man road, he was shivering...
After reaching the MAIN ROAD... He felt as he was escaped from a HELL and reached the HEAVEN. . !
After reaching his place..! He thanked that man a lot and finally reached the home. . !
Then, he decided not to travel over that place on overnight. . ! Next day, he narrated all his incidents to his co-workers. . !
After that incident, He became a GHOST- BELIEVER. . !"
Finally, my uncle stopped his narration... All of the other people (my couins) also heard his narration. . !
And, a old man(my cousin) also said, "Yeah. . ! That place is still a dangerous one to travel on overnight. ." Then, I asked him to narrate any other story. . !
My mom interrupted, "Its already late night... Lets all sleep. . !"...
We also said, " Gud ni8...

*************************THE END***********************************